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Abstract Competition

Important Dates

Online abstract submission system Open: October 17, 2024

Deadline for Abstract Submission: December 1, 2024

Notification of Acceptance: February 20, 2025

Deadline for Author Registration: March 21, 2025

Resident Doctor presenting their research abtract poster.

We look forward to welcoming the best in emergency medicine research to ICEM 2025.  

2025 Submission Notes

There are three categories of abstracts with separate submission processes and review criteria: research (qualitative, quantitative), education (quantitative research, qualitative research), and quality improvement & patient safety (QIPS). Click on the appropriate tab below to review the submission criteria for each category.

  • The ICEM 2025 conference takes place May 24-28, 2025 in Montreal, Quebec.   Successful abstract presenters are responsible for their own expenses and conference registration.

  • Communication will be with the presenting author only. It is the responsibility of the presenting author to communicate with co-authors.

  • Abstracts submitted without results will be automatically rejected.

  • Submissions that go over the 2500 character max (not including title, authors, key words) will be automatically rejected.

  • Abstracts submitted to the incorrect category will be re-assigned at the discretion of the research committee.

  • Abstracts accepted in any previous CAEP competition (including the 2024 competition) are not allowed to be re-submitted, and will result in automatic rejection.

Reviewer Criteria

Please take a look at the reviewer criteria if you are unsure in which category your abstract belongs. If you are still uncertain after reviewing the matrices, contact Julia Beljo.

Research/Education Research (Quantitative & Qualitative) Submission Info​​

Title: Enter your title in sentence case (i.e. only the first word is capitalized, unless using proper nouns). Do not use abbreviations, quotation marks, or add a period at the end of the title. Example: INCORRECT: “A Comprehensive Study to Reduce Falls in the ED.” CORRECT: A comprehensive study to reduce falls in the emergency department. Keywords: Include up to 3 keywords. Avoid abbreviations and capitalization. Abstract: - Do not include title, authors, affiliations, or keywords. - There is a 2500-character limit (including spaces). The character limit does not include title, authors, or keywords.. The submitter must ensure they do not exceed this limit or else the abstract will be rejected. - The following sections are included in the structured abstract: Introduction Method Results Conclusion Authors: - University degrees should be included for authors, but not accreditations (i.e., CORRECT: John Smith MD MSc and NOT John Smith MD MSc CCFP(EM)). - Co-authors should be listed in order of contribution.

Quality Improvement & Patient Safety (QIPS) Submission Info

This track is meant for projects that used QI methodologies (e.g., Model for Improvement, Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles, rapid iterative improvements), as opposed to research or education projects on topics relevant to quality and/or safety. The QIPS track is designed to foster the scholarly dissemination of projects that aim to improve the care provided to patients, on a local or broader level. The focus of the projects can be any or all of the domains of healthcare quality (i.e. safety, timeliness, efficiency, efficacy, equitability, patient-centredness). Projects that have used methods from the science of quality improvement (e.g., Ishikawa or process mapping analyses, PDSA cycles, repeated data sampling, run charts) will be given higher consideration. Projects that used sound design and implementation but that were not successful (i.e. ‘negative’ projects) will still be given just as much credit, as there is tremendous value in learning from what has not worked in other similar settings. Title: Enter your title in sentence case (i.e. only the first word is capitalized, unless using proper nouns). Do not use abbreviations, quotation marks, or add a period at the end of the title. Example: INCORRECT: “A Comprehensive QI Project to Reduce Falls in the ED.” CORRECT: A comprehensive quality improvement project to reduce falls in the emergency department Keywords: Include “quality improvement and patient safety” as your first keyword in order to ensure that the abstract is directed to the correct track and easily identified in the abstract supplement. Two additional keywords can be used. Abstract: - Do not include title, authors, affiliations, or keywords. - There is a 2500-character limit (including spaces). The character limit does not include title, authors, or keywords. The submitter must ensure they do not exceed this limit or else the abstract will be rejected. - The following sections are included in the structured abstract: Background Aim statement Measures & design Evaluation/results Discussion/impact Authors: - University degrees should be included for authors, but not accreditations (i.e., CORRECT: John Smith MD MSc and NOT John Smith MD MSc CCFP(EM)). - Co-authors should be listed in order of contribution.

Presentation Format

IFEM Abstract Awards

The International Federation for Emergency Medicine (IFEM) has established four prizes for Research Excellence:

  • Best Paper at ICEM

  • Best Paper by a Young Investigator

  • Best Paper by a Trainee

  • Best Paper – Evidence into Practice


Each prize will be awarded at the annual International Conference on Emergency Medicine (ICEM).

If you would like to be considered for an ICEM award, please tick the appropriate checkbox in the submission form.

Questions?  Contact Julia Beljo.

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